What is happening?
We are in the midst of our next fundraising strategy for the film – and we will be in touch about this very soon!
And we are also planning the next interview and filming phase at the East Coast. I am really looking forward to meet some more exemplary women who have worked with Dr Gerda Lerner in various capacities over the years. We will keep you posted on this trip!
A couple of weeks ago I was in Vienna and Salzburg, interviewing Dr. Hanak-Lettner,
Curator of the Jewish Museum in Vienna, Professor Helga Embacher and Professor Albert Lichblau at
Salzburg University on the earlier years of Gerda Lerner’s life.

It was impacting to walk the streets of Vienna, to go to some areas where Gerda grew up and let the sense of almost 100 years of history pass by as the film shooting went on. Here is
Karl Marx Hof – 1000 m long socialist estate, built between 1927 – 1930. This is where Gerda saw the shooting of socialists by Austro Nazis in 1934 during the Austrian Civil war – as a 14 year old girl. These events, and many more to come. formed her deep sense for social justice.
July 18 2012
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