A whirlwind that is growing…

Brooklyn Heights
After travelling in the Berkshires, in New York City and then to Cape Cod to interview three more fascinating women – Alice Kessler-Harris, Robin Morgan and Linda Kerber – this is a day of reflection and re-grouping. Thanks to the incredible support and creative input from friends and powerful feedback from people who have either known Gerda Lerner’s and her colleagues’ work and/or who have been effected by her and their efforts to create social change, it is becoming obvious that this film project is growing in unexpected significance day by day and the ideas behind making the film are evolving as we are meeting more and more of these extraordinary pioneers who lived and actively created history. Beautiful ‘Gerda’ stories are being told – stories of heart, rigour, courage and great generosity of spirit. There are more interviews planned, and the creative juices are flowing.
In the background the production engines are churning out vision papers, schedules, budgets and fundraising timelines… stay tuned….
That’s terrific to hear of your progress with the film. Keep going,…