Living History living its own history

As wintery snowfalls have very suddenly replaced the warm autumn sun and the golden looking air that permeated the cities here in Northern Europe, it feels like this is the right moment to slow down, take stock and look at what we gathered throughout the summer. Like squirrels, we have been very busy gathering all the material, we ran (drove) around the East Coast and other places to do interviews, ‘climbed’ many financial and legal trees, and now, here we are, with all the goods. There is a sense of coming to rest, of opening up to a deeper contemplation and creativity re-looking at the story of Living History. I just had the privilege to spend time with a German film maker, Rudiger Suenner (‘The Creative Universe’). We sat for hours in a cosy Berlin cafe, near a small lake, talking about the deeper ways one can convey a story and a character – the surprises and ‘the gaps’ of stories in people’s lives and how human beings express their souls in surprising ways that break our ideas about spirituality and depth. He encouraged me to tell my story, my living (history) story of making the movie on the woman I admire – Gerda Lerner.
So, the next few weeks and probably months will be spent on doing just that. I will update you all on some of the progress and thoughts. Any inputs are warmly welcome.
(Oh, and for the ones who have not heard yet, we got a generous grant from the Austrian Nationalfonds, the first grant we wrote! Of course, not enough to make the entire film, but it gave us great courage and spirit to keep going.)
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