Celebrating Gerda’s Birthday

Today Gerda Lerner would be celebrating her 94th birthday. Two years ago, she agreed to do the documentary, and two years in, we are still working on it, having gone through the processes of life: Gerda’s passing away, her sister’s passing away – and simultaneously learning, understanding and re-shaping the story, as we live our own lives. To say it in Gerda’s words – we are trying to find the balance between theory and practise, the life of the mind and ‘real life’ as we are writing the story.
It is true that making a film can change one’s life…. This seems to happen on this journey with Gerda, the ‘making of’ challenged and changed our lives and continues to do so. As we are preparing to show a short draft version in Toronto, at the
Global Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, we are also in the process or re-writing the script, continuing to shape her life and vision into a visual story that speaks of her and our ‘real life’. Happy Birthday Gerda, your spirit is still very much alive!
Thanks for the update, so great you are doing this project and great news you got two grants … Well done !
Happy Birthday Gerda. Finding and reading “The Creation of Patriarchy” was undoubtedly a monumental life changing find. I left the evangelical Christian church where I had been questioning my role as a soul in a woman’s body…and learned that History was so much bigger with so many more unknowns that I had ever believed. All of which helped me to launch my learn that the past is really a set of stories – some known and a lot unknown – that can either free us or entrap us. We have the power, choice and authority to change the angles of those stories to serve us and move us into a more positive future if we so desire.
This has led me to create my business as a Metamorphic Coach…teaching people how to Release their old stories, Open up to the Body and the present and to REceive their Freedom!
Many blessings to you and the work that you brought into the world!
Congratulations on the grants!!!! Looking forward to seeing the film very much.
Thanks for the update. And congratulations with the grants Renate and Kathy!!! Really great you are making this project happen. Can’t wait to see the film…
Congratulations!! Really looking forward to seeing the end result.